Easy Classes to Take as a Senior at Fsu
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Posted by 4 years ago
Easy classes at FSU?
I need one more class (3 credit hours) for my last semester here at FSU. Can anyone recommend a class they've taken or heard about that requires very minimal effort? Or maybe mention the easiest course you've taken so far. It doesn't matter what subject or department they are in. Thanks.
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level 1
I've heard tell of a bowling class. It's literally just bowling. May be less than 3 credit hours, though.
level 2
It was one, and since Crenshaw has been demolished, no more bowling class. RIP my billiards class too.
level 1
The entry level Geography course I took a long time ago was super easy. I literally showed up the first day, got the syllabus and course schedule and showed up only on test days the rest of the semester and got an A in the class.
level 2
Thanks for the help! I'll see what I can find.
level 1
Dance classes for non dance majors are pretty easy - you show up and they're easy to pass. Plus you get some exercise worked into your schedule, which can be some good stress relief that's much more fun than going to the gym.
Music world cultures (for non music majors) is pretty interesting but it had more papers, although they were pretty quick and easy to write.
level 1
I remember taking a class called Modern Popular Music my freshman year that I really enjoyed. Fairly easy A, I think it was just 4 tests and a few assignments. If you enjoy music and want to learn about how popular music has evolved from the early 1900s to today, I'd take it.
level 2
I took this class way back in the day when I was a student. I really enjoyed it as well. Great elective.
level 1
Intro to archaeology 100%
level 1
There is a personal finance class that should be available. It's not an incredible amount of work but it should teach you some important skills.
level 1
World Cities is really easy. Intro to Web Design is also pretty easy.
level 2
Taking the online version. So easy.
level 1
Sports officiating. Easy, active, and fun. Chance of football players in your class.
level 1
Screening science is so good, meet once a week watch a bomb movie write 2 papers on the film's graded super lax super chill 10/10 I recommend
level 2
Its 3 credits. The grade is composed of 3 essays 2 of which are like 500 words and just a film review the longer one is again super easy. Amazing class and actually really interesting
level 1
I can't remember the name exactly (sorry), but I remember a friend taking a class where she once told me they literally took naps. This was over 10 years ago though cries in old
level 1
I took COP2258 called intro to problem solving with object oriented programming. I can't recommend the course enough if you want a easy java programming tutorial. Java is the most used programming language & the skill is highly applicable
level 1
· 4 yr. ago Electrical Engineering, 2022
You should definitely take The Blindness Experience, it's a lot of fun and only has 1 1500 word research paper and 3 500 word reflections. It is also an E-series, X- Diversity, and a W course.
level 2
Is it EVI 1012? I couldn't find it on the class planner
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/fsu/comments/9v0b9d/easy_classes_at_fsu/
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